COVID & Children's Ministry
COVID looks to be a part of our lives for the foreseeable future. We have learned much about how to keep ourselves and our community safe this past year. While many of the tools to decrease COVID transmission are inconvenient, such as masking, social distancing, spending time outdoors, and use of vaccines, as followers of Jesus it is our responsibility to care for those in our community who are vulnerable.
In our congregation, we have members from all generations - from very young to those with many years of experience. We come from many communities and a variety of schools and districts. We have parishioners who are generally healthy, and those with pre-existing conditions. We are all part of one body of Christ though, and we're going to do the best we can to keep that body healthy!
Based on the current levels of COVID in our area, here is the current plan for our Children's Ministries, including Sunday School and God's 3:45. This plan is subject to change at any point so we can keep everyone as safe as possible.
Based on the current levels of COVID in our area, here is the current plan for our Children's Ministries, including Sunday School and God's 3:45. This plan is subject to change at any point so we can keep everyone as safe as possible.
Families are asked to self-monitor themselves and their families for common COVID symptoms. A list of questions will be posted at each entrance for you to review upon entering. If your family is experiencing common COVID symptoms, please do not attend Children's Ministry events. |
Many Children's Ministry events will be held outside, and volunteers working with these events will be encouraged to take their children outside as weather permits. When gathered inside, social distancing between people of different households is highly encouraged. Families waiting to pick up their children from Children's Ministry events are highly encouraged to wait outdoors or in the Dining Hall, where there is more room to spread out. |
Before visiting, please have your family either visit the restroom to wash with soap and water, or visit one of the many sanitizer stations located around the church building. |
Masks are highly recommended and encouraged for all children and volunteers while attending Children's Ministry events. Disposable masks are available at the church near the Education Office. |