We are willing to bet that you already have some beliefs about God, or at least about life and a higher power. You probably have some questions about life and about God as well.
Wherever you may be in answering those questions, you have our respect. We don’t have any secret answers to all the questions, but there are some truths that we, as a community, hold in common.
First, we believe there is a God out there. More than that, we believe that God isn’t just ‘out there,’ but that God is, in fact, with us every day. The people of First Lutheran confess the Triune God––Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are Christians, Evangelical Lutherans to be exact. You can find out more about our denomination the teachings of our faith on the ELCA website here.
Secondly, we are Lutherans, so we believe Jesus Christ is our Lord and our Savior. This means we believe that his death on the cross and his resurrection are the key to being right with God, because none of us are fully right with God on our own. We believe that God, both out there and with us, is defined foremost by one word––love.
Third, God loves us more than we deserve. Therefore our highest mission is to love one another. We do that by living out our mission, you can find out more about First Love, Love First here.