K-WOW is our after school Wednesday ministry for children Kindergarten through grade 8. Every week we seek to positively impact the lives of children with the love of Christ. Our volunteers build relationships with each child, teach them the stories of our faith, and guide children in developing a spiritual foundation of trust in their Lord. Proverbs 3:5 (Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.)
If your child attends Woodland School, you may either transport your child to the church, or you may call Woodland and inform the office your child will be taking bus 21 on Wednesdays to First Lutheran. You should also send a note for your child's teacher each Wednesday informing them of this change of plan. Middle School youth typically will walk to church following school. When you pick up your child at 5:00, you are invited to stay for our free community meal, followed by a contemporary praise service for the entire family starting at 6pm, led by our youth praise team "On Fire For God". We ask that families pre-register students and provide emergency contact information. |